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Be a Great Speaker: Knowing and Mastering Public Speaking Helpful Tips 


Public speaking is one of the most scariest situations not just in student life but also in adult life. The feeling of cold sweats, sweaty palms, nauseated, trembling arms, and gargling voice make you stutter every time, no matter how many times you memorize your piece in front of the mirror. There is something stirring your stomach and suddenly you're blacked-out, and just merely looking at the ceiling makes you wish you to just disappear or turn back time. Have you felt the same way too? Have you ever surpassed this scary stage in your life? Don't worry there are helpful tips we can share to help you gain self-confidence in public speaking, so you'll be a great inspirational speaker or motivational keynote speaker someday. Here's a good read about Denver Public speaking training, check it out!


Before walking out on stage, you can take some breathing exercises so you can inhale more oxygen needed for your proper blood circulation and brain functioning. Having slow deep breaths can greatly release your anxiety and stress. Also, don't forget that laughter is still the best medicine, but you don't have to look like crazy laughing alone, instead talk to your buddy or someone whom you can smile and laugh with to unleash those tight facial muscles. And when you're on the way to the stage, don't talk right away because this communicates a little bit of fear and insecurity, just walk quietly and wait until you are in your proper position before start talking.


Eye contact with your audience one by one as much as possible to connect with them, because as they say "scanning and panning can be your worst enemy". Show your audience that you are a giver and not a taker, you are speaking in front of them because they need to hear the helpful and motivating things you need to say. Do not try to impress just because you want to be talked about on social media, share your video or gain thousands of likes. Remember that every audience is smart to know of you are a giver or a talker. Talk to inspire not to expire. 


Think positive and you can be a natural speaker. An optimistic mind brings out the charm in you, allowing natural flow of words, making you calm and excited for the opportunity to inspire people. Lastly, learn from the experts. Attending a public speaking training will definitely give you tips from expert public speakers. Speak with your heart and mind.

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